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Welcome to my website/portfolio
This is where I store the art works I have done over the past few years. Do feel free to look around lol.
Wtf happened to this place?
I'm just testing out stuff after I have taken my web design module. Wix is also an ass for limiting the things I can do here so take it as it is.
What I do
I mostly do illustrations, graphic designs, character design, etc.
I also do photography and craft from time to time.
A bit about me
Reyes is currently a 2nd year Visual Communication student in Nanyang Polytechnic and is in desperate need of sleep.
Merch and commissions
Unfortunately I will not be able to take any commissions for now and wix is being a bitch again. So do head to my carousell at @definitelynotreyes or give me a dm if you would like to purchase something
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